Hight Colesterol In My Blood

Cholesterol is a fat an contained in our cells of body and blood by produce in liver.  Many peoples think that cholesterol is not good for healthy,  event though that cholesterol have an important role in cell wall establishment process and establishment of hormones. Many peoples think that cholesterol very dangerous to our body. However that assumption is an correct, our body need cholesterol.
It’s that just there is cholesterol not good for body and it’s often referred to as bad cholesterol. Low density lipoprotein (LDL) is bad cholesterol, effect of LDL is sedimentation in artery. This which one of  lead to heart disease and stroke. Whilst high density lipoprotein (HDL) isi good cholesterol which not making an effect sedimentation on artery and serves to prevent the presence of plaque on the walls of our blood vessels.
Event more  bad cholesterol inside body and then the risk of disease would also be greater diseases such as stroke, hypertension, heart disease is one reason is due to a buildup of bad cholesterol inside body. The adverse an effects of bad cholesterol levels that exceed the threshold, is atherosclerosis or deposition crust in blood vessels so that the diameter of blood vessels constrict.
Because of that  indispensability regulation of cholesterol in our body by running healthy lifestyle is: a balanced diet, exercise, and smoking cessation for those who like to smoke. If have less exercise can be tricked with some diet high in fiber like jelly, vegetables and foods with containing phytosterols. Cholesterol in our body came from food which our consume and from liver too.
 The fact that 80% cholesterol in our body is produced by  liver so it does not need extra cholesterol from outside the body.  Some foods that have high cholesterol is meat, milk, and egg. If you have high cholesterol, you should soon  overcome by naturally lowering cholesterol. The best way you can do to cope with high cholesterol is witch change  dietary habit because due to the intake of various foods greatly affect level of cholesterol in body.
Furthermore, exercise can help to lowering high cholesterol an effective, have many doctors recommend this way.
This is home remedies for cholesterol will do fast to making lowers cholesterol:
1.      Tomato
Tomato as home remedies for cholesterol, consume that tomato is first an natural way to lowers cholesterol. you can drink juice tomato and add a little sugar to taste. you can eat tomatoes as much as you can because the tomatoes can reduce cholesterol levels

2.      Pomegranate
Pomegranate as home remedies for cholesterol, it have polyphenols same like tomato. Pomegranate can reduce cholesterol levels too. You can eat pomegranate as much you can.

3.      avocado.
Avocado as home remedies for cholesterol. These fruit ferry nice and tasty, and it is also helpful for lowering cholesterol levels. Indeed sometimes there are people who do not like the taste of fruit avocado, but it is ok to start and loved it because these fruit is good for health

4.      Almond nut
Almond nut as home remedies for cholesterol. almonds are have an improve cholesterol HDL and  making low it.

5.      Orange juice
Orange juice as home remedies for cholesterol. Drink one glass orange just every day to lowering bad cholesterol. Orange  just have much vitamin C will lower high LDL

  1. Olive oil
Olive oil as home remedies for cholesterol.  Olive oil have much  will lowing bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol (HDL). With consuming 2 spoon (23 gram) olive oil every day, put in your food to more than healthy. Do not consume to much olive oil because not good for your healt

  1. Apple.
Apple as home remedies for cholesterol,  it Having low levels of low density lipoprotein. You can consume apples as much as you can because nothing is forbidden.

  1. Berries fruit
Berries fruits as home remedies for cholesterol like strawberry, blueberry and other  will helps to lower LDL significantly within four weeks

9.      Lime.
Lime as home remedies for cholesterol,  it have contains flavonoids are potent inhibiting the production of LDL cholesterol, thereby automatically reducing the risk of heart attack.

10.  Mango.
Mango as home remedies for cholesterol, it have contains much probiotic fiber that helps lower bad cholesterol levels in the blood. Besides pectin and vitamin C contained in a mango fruit able to scrape LDL cholesterol.

  1. guava
guava as home remedies for cholesterol, it have much vitamin and flavonoid, vitamin C and  E, carotenoid and selenium. Consuming guava juice for 2 months with a metered dose can lower cholesterol.

  1. Grape
Grape as home remedies for cholesterol, it have much fiber and flavonoid and catechin which efficacious lowering LDL cholesterol and raise HDL cholesterol levels

By regularly consuming foods as home remedies for cholesterol, the bad cholesterol in the body can be lowered. In addition to consuming foods that can lower cholesterol, here are other tips for lowering cholesterol an effectively:
1.      regularly exercise
exercise became one of the things that are important for lowering levels of cholesterol. In addition to lowering levels of cholesterol of course can also be healthy heart and lose weight.
2. Reduce the consumption of gluten.
Gluten is the content contained in starch such as flour.
3. Changing a healthy diet
consuming vegetables, fruits, and cereals, reduce consumption of foods containing saturated fats such as meat, milk, butter, cheese and greasy food.
4. Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables.
Expand to consume fruits and vegetables, for better you can consume fruits and vegetables that contain phytosterol. Phytosterol-containing fruit also has fiber, where the fiber content is able to accelerate the absorption of cholesterol in our intestines.
5. Consumption of cholesterol-lowering foods/
Cholesterol in our body is  influenced by the food we eat.

That tips of home remedies for cholesterol to lower high cholesterol naturally and you can do from now right now. After applying home remedies for cholesterol you can perform a blood test in the laboratory and in the hospital to determine the levels of cholesterol in your  body. Thus health review on this article, good luck

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