Showing posts with label Recipes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Recipes. Show all posts

Camilan Tapas Khas Spanyol

Tapas merupakan makanan yang sangat populer di spanyol, istilah tapas ini tidak hanya mengacu pada satu jenis makanan saja. Secara umum, orang-orang akrab dengan tapas berbagai jenis makanan yang disajikan dalam porsi kecil. Paella (mirip dengan yang di Risotto Italia), keju, dan cumi adalah

Happy Cooking chicken

Actually, cooking is one of the fun activities. Cooking talent is also a gift that we should be grateful because not everyone has it. There are times when we are busy with work and daily activities. home office late and did not have time to cook a complicated menu. if it were so the ability to cook is needed, to cook a menu that is simple and quick with a good recipe.