Tourism Spot In Medan Indonesia

There are many tourist attractions in Medan, North Sumatra that you can visit when the holidays arrive. Medan is the 3rd largest city in Indonesia after Jakarta and Surabaya with a diversity of ethnicity, ethnicity and culture in it such as Batak, Malay, Javanese, Chinese and other ethnic groups.
The capital of North Sumatra is not only rich in cultural diversity but also has a q

Do you still Remember?? earthquake & Tsunami (2004) in Aceh

Aceh is a province in Indonesia which has the capital of Banda Aceh. Aceh is one of the provinces in Indonesia which is given the status of a special region and also given special autonomy authority. Aceh is located on the northern tip of the island of Sumatra and is the westernmost province in Indonesia. The province's population is around 4,500,000. It is close to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in India and is separated by the Andaman Sea. Aceh is bordered by the Bay of Bengal in the north, the Indian Ocean in the west, the Malacca Strait in the east, and North Sumatra in the southeast and south.

The Ugly Asian Duck Taipei

Taipei (officially Taipei City) is the capital of Taiwan. China continues to view Taipei as the provincial capital because Taiwan sees Taiwan as an apostate province rather than a separate country. About 2.7 million people live in the city. Taipei is not the largest city in the country, namely New Taipei City, which completely surrounds Taipei.

Spiders Are Not Insects

There are about 45,000 different types of spiders worldwide. About 700 different species live in the Netherlands and Belgium. Many Spiders make a web and wait for another animal to be fixed command in the toil. Some spider species do not make a toil, which is the act or acting for the pro-joi night.

Biaya Produksi

Biaya Ekonomi Versus Biaya Akuntansi
Biaya akuntasi biaya adalah biaya actual ditambah biaya penyusutan atas peralatan modal sedangkan biaya ekonomi adalah biaya yang  timbul atas pengguanan sumber daya ekonomi dalam proses produksi. Kata ekonomi menyiratkan membedakan biaya yang daapt dikendalikan perusahaan dan biaya yang tidak dapat dikendalikan. Istilah ini juga memberitahukan kita untuk mempertimbangkan seluruh biaya yang relevan terhadap produksi. Modal tenga kerja dan bahan mentah jells merupakan sumber daya yang harus dilibatkan. Tetapi perusahaan mungkin menggunakan sumber daya lain denan biay yang tidak begitu kentara, tetapi sama pentingnya.